Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Well, I thought I would be better about posting updates and keeping up with my blog, but things didn't work out as I had planned.... but I have excuses... good ones...

like having to nurse a sick baby back to health... literally...

(when Icyle was sick, she was nursing like 20 times a day... for those of you who don't know... that is a lot of nursing...)

or like the fact that Batman has taken up permanent residency in our house...

(Wyatt insists on being called Batman at all times, and no... that is not a real gun...)

or like trying to keep little miss mischief butt out of, well, mischief....

(she is as guilty as she looks in this picture)

or like trying to keep Mr. mischief butt out of trouble too...

(see those cans behind him, I find all of those on the ground, made into "trains" multiple times a day)

or like trying to make this adorable pointy kitty for my adorable niece (who is getting so grown up looking.... you can see her here on my sister in law's blog)...

(sorry... this is the only look you are going to get Alyssa... you will see the rest when I send it to Eisley)

So... those are my excuses...


Alyssa said...

LOL, I feel so special that you referenced me on your blog! I actually googled "pointy kitty" - I know, I'm a total cheater! I was just SO curious! I can't wait to get my - I mean Eisley can't wait to get her handmade pointy kitty! You are so sweet!

Alyssa said...

oh and I have also been nursing my baby back to health - I was down to mostly 1 and maybe 2 nursings a day now we're back up to 3 and she screams when I pull her off. Poor little thing.